Shelley Dane
Shelley Dane is a mosaic artist residing in Maryland. She learned the art of mosaics while living in Bucharest, Romania with her husband and four children. While attending a pottery painting weekly gathering at a friend’s home, she was introduced to a Romanian woman who taught mosaics to women living in rural areas as a way to make extra income. Immediately inspired, she spent the next three years learning and perfecting her mosaic style while living abroad.
Shelley spent three years living in New York City and dancing with a small modern dance company. She graduated from The University of Maryland with a degree in Health Education and started “The Home Stretch,” a business that taught exercise classes and conducted stress management workshops in the workplace. She was the author of two books, “Do It At Your Desk: An office workers guide to health and fitness,” and “The Business Traveler’s Fitness Handbook.”
After meeting her husband, Shelley’s journey took a different direction as his career took them abroad for the next 25 years. They lived in West Africa, Germany, Sweden, Latvia, and Romania. Four wonderful children later and fabulous travel experiences throughout Europe and the Middle East, they moved back to the US in 2005.